Monday, September 16, 2013

What's It All About:

I had a conversation with a friend last night about exercise, weight loss and getting healthy and she suggested that I start a blog to share what I know about it all. I laughed at first because I'm hardly in the kind of shape you would expect someone to be in if they are advising people on techniques that are working. Then I realized that it might actually aid me in my efforts if I had a place to track my progress and be accountable for my workout and good eating (or, hopefully not lack there of).

I have tried so many exercise and diet principles over my life and finally feel that I know what works for me! I definitely do not have all of the answers, but I really do feel like I have a grasp on how to do it. The hurdle is of course, actually doing it.

I am embarking on a real revolution in my life as I try to get back in shape after 3 kids and a closet of fat pants. I hate that I have let myself get to this point but I did. Life got busy and Me was the last thing I could focus on when everything else needed my help. I also just put it off.  I have needed to do this for about 8 years now and avoided it at all costs!  So, here I sit.... HAPPY with my life but completely unhappy with my weight. I am just a month shy of my 35tg birthday and I cant take it anymore. Therefore, I am making a change!

I will track the things I am doing and list them for anyone that cares to try know what I am up to and why I am loosing the weight. I am convinced that there are always hundreds of ways to do things that could work. The question is what works for me. What does work for me? 

For exercise I feel like I have finally found what works for me!!  Crossfit is the way.  It incorporates everything I am terrified of but that challenges me and works all in one.  I am on session 3 and have already lost 3 lbs and feel so great.  I can't believe people's before and afters on favorite pages like www.facebook/womenofcrossfit=strong and other inspirational blog entries and articles I have come across.  I will post some of the favorites and photos as I go.  I plan to do crossfit 4/5 times a week starting in the express mommy class (30 min) and see where it takes me.  

For the food, A simple, uncomplicated, uncluttered plan that I can make a lifestyle. Diets DON'T work for me, so this wont be a diet log. I don't believe in depriving, I don't believe in suffering or starving!  I don't want required pre-planned meals, food lists that are too narrow in their scope, expensive items, strict foods I cant get everywhere or order while out, or extreme fads.
I just want something that I can do over the long term that will work for my needs. Thus far, the plan that works best for me has been the a mix of diet theories like the Abs Diet, Paleo Diet and Weight Watchers.  I admit that I am not devout in any of them but I most closely identify with the principles of those plans. Throughout the time that I am bloging and loosing weight, it will be mostly the Paleo Diet nutrition principles that I am following to the best of my ability. It requires mostly healthy, fresh foods that are natural and in processes.  I am thinking it will be about a 75% paleo and 25% non paleo style eating plan.  My favorites are fish, chicken, veggies (especially with fiber and vitamins) fruits,  lean dairy only occasionally and carbs in very limited portions.

 I will share recipes and suggestions on nutrition made easy so I can remember my faves and others can get ideas.

I love the way I eat now because I can tailor the plan to me and what I need at whatever stage I'm at.   I plan to eat until I am full, I plan an occasional a cheat item or meal as needed but for the most part I intend to make consistent good choices and eat in moderation.  It seems to be my thing to have guidelines and live MOSTLY within them. 

The Paleo guidelines offer me clarity on what I should be doing with nutrition and Crossfit gives me a daily WOD (work out of the day) so i just have to show up and give my all!!  I had such a hard time being consistent at gyms and bored with other programs.  personal trainers setting my program sounded ideal but was SERIOUSLY more than i wanted to spend.  I think that results are the KEY to longevity here! I am already seeing them.

Of course, because I am not devout, I have set backs, I loose my mind every now and then, I get lazy and even plateau. I will share my experiences with all of them so that I can look back at what I was doing and see what I can do better.

I wont calorie count because I get bored with it and dont have time to count every calorie.  i did WW for a long while so i know point values and can guestimate what range of calories i am earing within.  I love though, if I am following the food group suggestions for Paleo and the others I cant really over do it! It's the extras and carbs that will derail me.  Fortunately they aren't a big problem for me by nature.  I gravitate to good foods and occasionally indulge in the yummy crap that's out there.  I think the problem has been the lack of exercise and that has just changed!  Join me on my Crossfit revolution as work to I bring my "sexy" back and learn to enjoy exercise for the first time in 34 years.  
I plan to get in shape and save myself from a litany of genetic time bombs along the way.
Wish me luck!  I'll post my WOD's and do a baseline test every 2 weeks with times so I can see my progress.  I hope it ends up inspiring to myself and others:) 

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